My Bills

If by some freak chance I get the most votes and end up in that Governors' office, I would introduce the following bills to the Legislature in my first year. 

1. Impeachment of Governor and Lt. Governor.

The very first bill I will submit to the Legislature will be to ask the Legislature to fulfil its Constitutional obligation to establish criteria and procedure for impeachment of Governor and Lt. Governor.

2. Public Recall

Along with that, I would petition the Legislature to establish a vehicle for the public to remove elected officials, when such elected officials overstep their positions and abuse their privileges. (This should not require a constitutional amendment, since there is nothing in the State Constitution on this matter.)

3. Revoke 2050 Sustainability Plan

Since the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan, which passed into law in 2010, was promoted to the Public and Legislature under serious false pretenses, I would ask the Legislature to Revoke this Plan in its entirety.

4. Public Private Partnerships. (PPPs)

I would ask for a law that prohibits the State Government from entering into any PPP which surrenders control of any public lands, assets, or resources to a "private partner"; without full consent of the the polls.

5. GMO Crops

I would ask for a close and independent study of controversial GMO farming in the state; and an assessment of the impacts it has on our health, culture and natural ecology.

6. Public Education

I would ask for a strong American civics program in public schools; including study of the U.S. and State Constitutions, Declaration of Independence, and history to these documents.

7. Public Education

By way of a RESOLUTION, I would ask the Legislature and 'the People' to consider the feasibility and desirability of returning control of public schools, including academic standards and curricula, to local communities. Communities would also be responsible for setting standards for quality of teachers. In this model, the state will continue funding of public schools. Communities can add funding and support to their local schools as they are willing and able. The state will serve mostly as a knowledge/information resource for community educators to draw from.

8 Public Education

I would ask for the immediate rejection of Common Core Standards and curriculum. With that, an initiation of a vigorous public discussion on how we can re-invent public education appropriate for Hawaii's kids, incorporating the highest academic standards available...if we have to invent them ourselves; including ways and means of supporting this endeavor without federal funding.

9. Board of Education

I would ask the Legislature to consider a Constitutional revision, regarding the 9-person Board of Education, that would stipulate that 5 board members be elected by the public; and 4 members appointed by the governor. Or, perhaps some other alternative to a governor-appointed board.

(While the new and current status of all nine appointed by the governor has its merits, it grants too much power to the executive branch. For the sake of balance, at least 5 members should be elected by the People. The four governors' appointees should be vetted and approved by the Legislature.)

10. Civil Liberties

I would introduce a package of bills designed to fortify the Constitutional and Common-law Rights of Hawaii citizens. (These are still being considered. I welcome any suggestions. Send them to ) * (see below)*

11. Minimum Wage

a bill asking for a raise of minimum wage in the State to $15.00/hr. While at the same time offering businesses a tax break to help off-set the expense to them by up to 50% of the difference.

12. Water

I would ask the legislature to establish a CONTEST. with a cash reward of (let's say) $1 million (of public money) for any individual, or group of individuals, who can figure out how to efficiently convert ocean water into palatable fresh water on a scale big enough to supply municipal needs, without causing damage to the environment, such as increasing salinity of surrounding ocean waters.

13. Public lands

I may ask for measures that fortify the public's right of access to public lands; including coastlines, beaches and mauka areas. (This measure needs further research on my part. Though I know it is becoming a real problem that needs to be addressed soon.)

That's all.

* Over the years, and most noticeable since the November, 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, in New York City, we have seen an erosion of the Constitutional restrictions, placed on government, which are specified in the Bill of Rights, of the Constitution of the United States.
Such erosion comes in the form of The Patriot Act, passed in Congress--October 2001; (and renewed by President Obama in his first term); and the  National Defense Authorization Act.

It is the explicit function of government, of a sovereign state, to uphold and preserve the Constitutional protections of its citizens. With this purpose, I would introduce the following measures to the State Legislature for consideration.

1) No law enforcement agency, empowered in the State of Hawaii, shall cooperate with any Federal agency in UNCONSTITUTIONAL activities, or trespass the individual liberties and protections of citizens of the State outlined in The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution or The Hawaii State Constitution--Article I.

2) No foreign National military persons, whether in uniform or not;  shall bear weapons--including armed vehicles,  side arms, on civilian soil, anywhere in the State of Hawaii.

3) Pursuant of Article 4 of the U.S. Constitution, And ARTICLE I, section 7. of the Hawaii State Constitution;

There shall be no unwarranted search and/or seizure of any person or personal effects of any individual citizen of the State of Hawaii.

4) Pursuant of securing Posse Comitatus, there shall be no military exercises on civilian soil, or in proximity of civilian populations in the State of Hawaii, by the U.S. Government or any other governments. Civilian security firms and organizations shall be strictly subject to Posse Committals.
County and State law-enforcement agencies, within the state, shall enforce Posse Committals.

5) State law-enforcement agencies, including county police departments and Sheriffs' officers and designated deputies, shall enforce protections of the Constitutional rights of citizens of the State of Hawaii, against all violators.

In pursuance of ARTICLE I. Section 6 of the Hawaii State Constitution; Regarding The Right to Privacy:

6) Soliciting or gathering private or personal information from minors is strictly prohibited.

There shall be no gathering of personal information, or data sharing of individual students in Hawaii Public Schools, including Charter schools receiving public funding.
 Neither shall there be wholesale monitoring or assessments of students, in public schools, with regards to attitude and behavior.


 a) Information pertinent to grading the individual student. This personal information is not to be transmitted beyond the principal of the school that the student attends, except to the student's parents or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian, of the student, shall retain full propriety and access to all information pertaining to their child.

b) In cases of medical emergency--where the physical welfare of the individual student is in jeopardy.

School principals will be responsible for monitoring these provisions; and shall report violations to the State Board of Education.

In pursuance of ARTICLE I. Section 6 of the Hawaii State Constitution; Regarding The Right to Privacy:

7) There shall be No state requirement for Teachers in Hawaii public schools to be graded or formally assessed by students.

This provision does not apply to Charter schools receiving public funding. Charter schools will set their own policies regarding the practice of student assessment of teachers.

Teachers in public schools may request an assessment from their students, on an anonymous basis, for purposes of improving their own personal teaching techniques.

Information gathered in voluntary student assessments of teachers shall be the sole private property of the individual teacher.

The said teacher may share the information or keep it private, at their own discretion. [This provision aims to encourage teachers to share successful teaching techniques, to enhance overall teaching and learning techniques for the benefit of Hawaii public school students.]

In pursuance of ARTICLE I. Section 6 of the Hawaii State Constitution; Regarding The Right to Privacy:

8) No State agency, or private security agency,  or corporation, or any business or franchise, or any organization or institution, operating within the State of Hawaii shall gather (or attempt to gather) random or unnecessary personal information of citizens of this State of Hawaii; without legal warrant and due process of Constitutional Law; or without full consent of that citizen.
Only personal information, essential to a specific business transaction (such as a bank loan or sale of real property) shall be collected.

The Legislature, shall create or designate an agency to enforce this provision and establish penalties for violators of this provision.


THE Constitution of The United States of America and the The Constitution of the State of Hawaii shall be the Law of The Land in the State of Hawaii.

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and ARTICLE 1 Section 17 of the Hawaii State Constitution; shall be upheld in the State of Hawaii, as written:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Any elected Lawmaker in the State--on County or State level--who has taken the oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and who knowingly adapts or legalizes policies to impose on the People, that originate from the United Nations EARTH CHARTER, Or any other international or foreign national or U.N. policies, without full disclosure of their origin, to the people of the State, shall be marked for TREASON, and be subject to prosecution for the same.


No person(s), agencies, corporations, organizations, or governments shall ever lay claim to ownership of Hawaii's natural waters. All Water--ground water, surface water, rain, ocean, etc. shall be deemed "unownable" by any entity but God.

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