We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.. --Thomas Jefferson and friends--1776.
Over the past decade, the people of Hawaii, including well-intended lawmakers, have been deceptively misled into accepting foreign policies that, in my opinion, are not in the best interest of the people of the state.
My mission, as a candidate, is to attempt to bring these deceptions to light. How can voters and legislators make proper decisions if they are deprived of accurate information? Below, I touch on two significant deceptions we have seen over the past years, for the benefit of the public.
1. The Sustainability Deception.
We in Hawaii--both legislators and the public--were told that the
and which is currently determining much of state policy, originated from concerns of the 2005 Hawaii State Legislature. Here, from the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan:
"The 2005 Legislature expressed its belief that government is responsible not only for resolving daily and pressing issues and public needs, but also for providing guidance to assure that the preferred future of our state is met. Recognizing that present and subsequent generations must address sustainability issues essential to Hawai‘i’s quality of life, the Legislature enacted Act 8 (SSLH 2005), which provided for the development of a sustainability plan to address the vital needs of Hawai‘i through the year 2050."
"In 2005, the Hawai‘i State Legislature sought answers about the long-term future of our state....In response, the Legislature created the Hawai‘i 2050 Sustainability Task Force...."
So it's all home-grown... Right?
Well, no. It's not. 'The HI 2050 Sustainability Plan' actually originates in the United Nations.
Similar plans appeared in hundreds of county councils and in legislatures across the Nation, about the same time; as well as in other nations throughout the world.
Here are a few obvious connections between the HI 2050 Plan and the United Nations; establishing U.N. origins:
1--The generic definition of sustainable development. "The development that meets the need of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs" comes from the U.N. publication, Our Common Future (or the Brundtland Report) published in 1987.
You can see the Hawaiian-style version of it in The HI 2050 Plan here: 'The People's Definition'.
Definition of Sustainability in Hawai`i
A Hawai‘i that achieves the following:
- Respects the culture, character, beauty and history of our state’s island communities
- Strikes a balance between economic, social and community, and environmental priorities
- Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
2--The so called "Tipple bottom line" model, found in the Hawaii
2050 Plan also comes from the U.N. Global sustainability initiative. Compare:
HI 2050 Plan to the U.N. origin.
3--The now-famous U.N. document, Agenda 21, the U.N.'s action Plan for global sustainability, makes clear in its introduction:
"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment." http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?page=view&nr=23&type=400&menu=35
4--The U.N. manifesto, known as The Earth Charter--as written under the direction of Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong--lies at the foundation of the Hawaii 2050 sustainability Plan (and all otters like it.) The Earth Charter summarizes its ultimate intent:
"In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development."
Funny though; there is not a single mention of the United Nations in The Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan; or in the bills that led up to it--Act 8(SSLH 2005)
Why not?
Why was this vital detail withheld from legislators and the people?
Is it because the people and Legislature would have questioned the worth of a plan that comes from an organization that has a track record of continuous failure in its primary mission of preventing war?
Might the Legislature have taken issue with governing principals of a 'Plan' arising from an organization whose members include Communist nations, dictatorships, and failed states?
Would the people have taken a more critical look at The 2050 Plan and discovered that it actually compromised our Constitutional Government, our autonomy, our individual liberties...and hence...the NEEDS OF FUTURE GENEATIONS, as well as are own?
The intentional omission of the United Nations origin in the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan should be of grave concern to anyone who values our tenets of Liberty; particularly since it is now the Law of the Land.
2. The Common Core State Standards Deception
At a casual glance, one would assume that these are educational
standards that were developed in our state. Though, it is no secret that at least 46 of 50 states have adapted these same standards; that these are actually national standards; and that they originate from a Washington D.C. Trade Association calling itself The National Governors Association (NGA).
These "Governors" are happy to point out that the were elected by the people. But I will point out: ...never in the capacity of a "Central Committee" which dictates national policy.
Less publicized aspects of Common Core include:
--Common Core standards are inferior to our previous state educational standards
--CC standards are coupled with curricula which is also sub-standard, and which is destructive to classical arts, sciences and humanities.
--CC was covertly instituted into our state (and others), under pressure from the federal government, and without consent or input from parents.
--The curricula in Common Core is politically oriented towards 'collectivism'; and devalues 'individualism'--the bedrock of our free nation.
--The Common Core initiative is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; working in "Partnership" with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
--The National Governors Association, which holds the copyright on CC standards, and their financier, Bill Gates, stand to reap an incomprehensible fortune, of U.S. tax dollars, on this nation-wide corruption of education.
--Parents, in Hawaii, now have no control over the content or quality of their children's education. (Our children now belong to the Federal State.)
--A centralized national education system, such as Common Core, is completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL for precisely the reasons above.
Hawaii now has the Education System that Karl Marx would die for, if he wasn't already dead. As it is, he, Stalin. Lenin, and the whole PARTY, are probably celebrating in their graves at this very moment.
Today, Neil Abercrombie, with his 'early learning initiatives', is determined to impose this Communist indoctrination on our 4-year-olds, in all pre-schools, by amending our State Constitution to accommodate it.
If this does not entirely and genuinely scare the shit out of you, then there isn't much point in voting for me; because, it's...probably...TOO LATE.
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