Judgment Day
By Richard Morse
ex-candidate for governor of Hawaii--non partician, 2014

Nobody is to blame. I just misunderstood. I told signers their identities were secure, when, in fact, they were not. So the list of signers is void.
I had no option but to withdraw.
I had no option but to withdraw.
But that does not change the reasons I was running for governor in the first place. The state of our state is very serious. I am coming to the conclusion, though I have not quite reached it, that our entire education system--from preschool to university--is infested with Communists.
Shocking? Well, it is to me; but I got there gradually...one shock after another, through discovery and research. The tipping point comes in a recent lawsuit--two students at U.H. Hilo campus are suing the school administration for blocking their First Amendment rights. From FOX News:
- "Two students at the University of Hawaii at Hilo are suing the school over alleged First Amendment violations after they were told by a campus official that they couldn't approach fellow students to hand out copies of the Constitution.
- Merritt Burch and Anthony Vizzone, members of the campus chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, filed the lawsuit Thursday in federal court, alleging that administrators violated their constitutional rights by stopping group members from passing out copies of the document... [read more]
Now, what sort of administrator of an institution of learning, within a free state, would prevent the distribution of one of the most brilliant documents on freedom ever written?
That question does not come to me randomly. My research shows that the education system in Hawaii, currently called Common Core State Standards (CCSS) does, in fact, teach the tenets of Communism; including collectivism, citizenship, conformity, 'culturalism', obedience, deception and coercion. Anybody can research this by Googling "Common Core" with "Communism" ...and come to their own conclusions. [See 3 examples in the War Room.]
My conclusion is that CCSS teaches the principals of the Soviet Constitution of 1977 to our kids. While IT DOES NOT TEACH, or otherwise distorts, the principals of our own U.S. Constitution.
For example, let's look at the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights. It reads:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Simple as that. Though Common Core will teach the second amendment as:
“The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.”
Way different. I take this popular reference from a safe page--via a website called THE REPORT CARD. It also includes a Common Core version of the First Amendment:
- "Congress may make no laws that infringe upon a citizen’s right to freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Congress may not favor one religion over another (separation of church and state)."
This bit about "Congress may not favor one religion over another" rings of the Soviet Constitution of '77--Article 52:
- "...hostility or hatred on religious grounds is prohibited. In the USSR, the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church."
While nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it specify separation of church and state.
There are too many of these types of coincidences to neglect the question: "Are Commies writing Common Core curricula?"
There are too many of these types of coincidences to neglect the question: "Are Commies writing Common Core curricula?"
But, let me back up and convey the personal experience that led me to the suspicion that our schools in Hawaii are controlled by Communists. This will take some effort, on the part of the reader...to examine my references.
At the beginning of the 2014 Legislative session I requested that my state legislator introduce a bill that asked to beef up the subject of American civics in public intermediate schools. My intuition told me that this subject was lacking in our schools. And public testimony for the resolution that was introduced showed that my intuition was right on the button.
But the measure was hijacked and mutated into HR27 HD1. You can compare the two versions. They are entirely different. The very intent of the original--HR 27--has been completely deleted in the HD1 version. The original intent was simply:
- "BE IT...RESOLVED that the Department of Education is urged to emphasize curriculum that includes the study of the Declaration of Independence [1776] ....the Constitution of the United States of America including the Bill of Rights, the history behind these documents, and an examination of why these documents are important to each person."
That was the whole point, and it was removed. It was replaced, in the HD1 hijacked version, by:
- "BE IT...RESOLVED that the Department of Education is also urged to enhance social-studies courses and integrate content, processes, strategies, and proven practices in civic education within each public school to expand the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of public-school students in kindergarten through grade 12 to be informed, active citizens participating in an integrated world; and..."
...and similar Commie rubbish. I know who did the hijacking and how they went about it. But that's a different story. The important thing is that these two versions of the same resolution represent a perfect microcosm of the transformation that our education system is going through; and, really...the transformation of our government.
Abe Lincoln says it best: "The philosophy in the classroom of this generation is will be the philosophy of government in the next"
[btw, the "integrated world" part means 'world government'.]
The HD1 version reveals:
- "WHEREAS, Act 51, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, declares that "ultimately education must do no less than advance the endowment of human culture itself, so that each succeeding generation finds itself further along the road towards peace, social justice, and environmental sustainability in a society guided by creativity, compassion, and curiosity."
This is full proof that the very essence of our education system, in Hawaii, has been geared to the United Nations education for sustainable development. All this sustainability stuff was put together by prominent socialists and Communists--Mikhail Gorbachev, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Maurice Strong...to name three; and shipped from the bowels of the U.N. to all points around the world...including Hawaii. It's no big secret. Just Google "U.N. Agenda 21". Or "U.N. sustainable development"
It should come as no surprise, then, that notions like "society guided by creativity" and "advance the endowment of human culture" and "meeting the needs of present generations without compromising future generations to meet their needs" and "environmental sustainability" and "...the road towards peace, social justice" come directly from the Soviet Constitution of 1977. See Article 18. See Articles 23, 26, 40, 67, 68, 69...of the Commie Constitution. In fact, read the whole thing (66 pages). I'm sure you will be convinced that all this sustainability crap comes straight from there. Including the education for sustainable development, known locally as Common Core.
Let's look at the UNESCO document (Pdf) entitled The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) -- International Implementation Scheme
Section: "Education for Sustainable Development"--Page 29
The U.N. philosophy might be summed up as follows:
- "Reorienting existing education programmes. More basic education as it is currently taught will not create more sustainable societies. The conundrum remains, that it is educated nations that leave the deepest ecological footprints, using large amounts of resources and energy to support their lifestyles.
- "Creating a more sustainable future will not occur simply by increasing the amount of education; instead, it is an issue of content and relevance. Questioning, rethinking, and revising education from pre-school through university to include more principles, knowledge, skills, perspectives and values related to sustainability in each of the three realms – environment, society, and economy – is important to our current and future societies. This should be done in a holistic and interdisciplinary context, engaging society at large, but carried out by individual nations in a locally relevant and culturally appropriate manner."
That is exactly the nature of Common Core. So we are limiting the education of our children, only to the core sustainability propaganda--the ocean is rising; the sky is falling; the population is exploding and, soon, the whole world will be as crowded as the Punahou Carnival. [Yikes!]
As a result, in one generation, we will have produced a society of socialist dimwits. There will be no real science teachers, history teachers, math teachers.... Their generation will have no engineers, doctors, physicists, philosophers, artists, scholars...no real knowledge. No freedom. No recovery.
And that is the state of our state...today..
That is to say: It is the next generation that is at stake in this 2014 election, not ours. We--you and I--our generation--are the critical "stakeholders". Not some non-profit org, or corporation or government or NGO... We are the only stakeholders--nobody else. Our children...and theirs...are in great danger. And we will be to blame for their loss...for not 'getting it'...and for not stepping up to the plate to rescue them.
I might (almost) file for governor again, but not without a significant show of support from the community. And not without a running mate who shared my views and was in it to win it. And not with the misunderstanding that the names on my nomination papers were confidential, when they were not. I can not enter into this battle by way of deception--even if it was only a misunderstanding--because deception is the way of the enemy.
For now, Merritt Burch and Anthony Vizzone--two students at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, are the champions of the day. They are true warriors. They are true patriots. They are beacons of freedom in this state. The rest of us have failed. The founders of our free nation would be sorely disappointed in us. Unborn generations will judge us... (if they have the capacity to judge)...like we judge generations past. They will judge us as a failure.
Or will they?
Will someone stronger, smarter and more qualified than me come forward? That would be nice to see.
The filing deadline is June 3rd. Not much time.
The Choice is Yours.
You can gather more information from my websites:
morse4gov http://morse4gov.blogspot.com/
morse4gov War Room http://morse4govwarroom.blogspot.com/
email: morse4gov@gmail.com
Further reading: Common Core Goes Global by Mary Jo Anderson
Further reading: Common Core Goes Global by Mary Jo Anderson
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