
Please Don't Vote 4 me
I put my name on the ballot to make sure that Hawaii voters have an option to Governor Abercrombie's "New Day in Hawaii." *

In all honesty, I'm not the least-bit qualified to be Governor of a state. I can barely govern myself. I have never held...or even run for...public office in my life. I have never so much as sat on a neighborhood board. I'm definitely not smart enough for the job; and I'm sinfully lazy.
I don't even want to be Governor. The very thought of being a politician troubles my stomach.
So please don't vote for me...especially if:
    You like the idea of "Governance" by unelected, soviet committees;
    you would like to hand our public lands over to private control;
    you want your kids to live in "workforce housing" as serfs;
    you like the idea of condensed cities along a rail line;
    you think your kids should be obedient to government;
    you think the Constitution sucks;
    you think our water resource should be privately owned;
    you don't think highly of free enterprise or independence;
    you think your future grandchildren would be happy confined to narrow urban boundaries, in Human settlements, along the rail line. 
    Or, if you simply think I'm a crazed conspiracy-theory nut.

    I really don't want to be governor. I'm not even going to campaign. The choice is yours.
* "All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." --James Madison

So far, Mr Abercrombie's "New Day in Hawaii" has brought us; or has attempted to bring us:

a) the Public Lands Development Corporation (PLDC);

b) the Public Private Partnership Authority (PPPA);

c) Institution of destructive Common Core Standards in our public schools--without input or consent from parents;

d) Attempts to take away powers of County governments to protect their citizens' health and welfare; in order to enforce unpopular State and Federal policies without obstruction.

e) A State Constitutional amendment to bring Marxist education for all 4-year old keki in Hawaii...(if it is ratified by voters in 2014);

f) Support of GMO "agribusiness" in Hawaii;

g) Forced 21st-century schools on communities that don't want them;

h) So called "Workforce Housing" to be built on public school campuses;

i) Support of high-density "human settlements" along the rail line

All these defy our State and/or U.S. Constitutions.

All these can be traced to the United Nations scheme of global sustainable development--Agenda 21 and surrounding policies.

All these evolve from the Earth Charter, as drafted under the guidance of Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev and Steven Clark Rockefeller. *

All these are rooted in Communist/Marxist doctrine.

All these are being attempted, or have already been established, across the U.S. and other nations around the world.

All these, combined, represent an aggressive invasion and attempted conquest of Hawaii by Globalist and foreign powers, who do not have the best interest of Hawaii's people in mind.
* Here, in the final paragraphs, the Earth Charter clarifies its intent:

"In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development."

You might want to check out this lecture on the Earth Charter:

The Youtube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtwBaAX3AiY

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