The Choice

The choice is not between me and some other candidate. The choice has nothing to do with me; but has everything to do with you; and with your kids. It is your future and theirs...not mine. I have already lived a full and free life. 

I got a free ride on the coattails of better men who came before me; who did make the fight, to bleed, to die to preserve American liberties for the likes of me...and for you, by the way. 

Now, it's our turn. Or maybe it's not our turn. That's the choice. 

Not too long from now--I'd say about a decade...14 years at the most--our right to choose will be gone. Though it won't matter much; because, by then, young adults--who will have been well indoctrinated by Common Core--may not have the mental capacity to choose for themselves. They will have been brainwashed to accept unwavering allegiance to a government that will make all the choices for them.

Here is an example of what our kids are learning:
Possessive Nouns--Essential knowledge for the 21st century--3rd Grade; Common Core
Source: Tea Party News Network

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." --attributed to Edmund Burke; Political scholar and statesman; 1729-1797.

The choice is between...

Home Rule or Regional rule
Government or "governance"
Equal justice or "social justice"
Individualism or collectivism
Independence or subservience
Free enterprise or Marxism
Private Property or no property
The  Constitution or The Earth Charter
Self determination or United Nations Agenda 21
Classical Education or socialist indoctrination

The list goes on:

Democracy or Corporatocracy
Liberty or "sustainability"
The shocking truth or blissful ignorance
Fight or do nothing

The choice is yours.

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